Early morning starts and yoga:
Wake numerous times in the night and immediately think of how early you have to get up. Each time calculate the hours/minutes until alarm goes off.
Spend last hour in bed convincing yourself not to go. Too tired/busy/niggling back pain/much better for everyone if you stay in bed.
Alarm goes off. Cut the bullshit, get up, dress and go to practice.
Get to studio, try not to make eye contact and lie down.
?? P R A C T I C E
This morning’s 6am Intermediate gave me moments of such beautiful flow, stillness and joy I felt a little teary at times. Thanks to all the gorgeous ones who contributed energy, oms and postures. Want to start your day with that kind of profound gratitude and peace?
The choice is yours. No one gets up at 5am easily (except small children ?)
By the way if you have little ones I know it’s easier said than done. Go easy on yourself, I promise that will get easier and things will fall into place when the time is right xxx
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